Friday, June 09, 2006


Last night I had my final set of pre-trip vaccinations at 1st Contact on Oxford Street. It was my third visit to them. Once again I didn't cry, and the whole thing was over in five minutes flat.
They've immunised me against: Diptheria, Tetanus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Polio, Japanese Encephalitis B, and Rabies. Pretty much the works. I've also been given enough anti-Malaria tablets to require an additional backpack/small hire van.
So why 1st Contact? Basically, because my NHS doctor charges exhorbitant prices for holiday vaccinations, and it turns out cheaper to go to a private clinic. I discovered this last year just prior to a previous holiday, when I found myself in a consulting room with the practice nurse whispering to me: 'don't get them done here it's a rip off, I don't agree with it, and know somewhere much cheaper, I'll give you the address.'
Enter 1st Contact, who have turned out to be competitively priced, very friendly and professional, and invariably Australian or Kiwi. They also - here's the clincher - give you a lollypop after your injections (flavour your choice - I go for cherry).
So that completes my health check (I also went to the dentists a week or two ago and got the all clear on that front). Hopefully I will remain in good working order over the next year, the chances of toothache or illness at Halong Bay reduced and managed. Well, here's hoping.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Good luck on your trip!