I've added some more photos to my photo album.
This is the last time I'm going to write this here on the blog because it's getting repetitive. So if you want to see my photos keep checking my photos link regularly - I'm adding a couple of pictures each time I blog, so it's worth checking.
Also, changing subject, if you're reading this from Europe, or America, please lobby your government now to export music to Thailand that is not by Boyzone or Jack Johnson. Write to your MP, hold a demonstration, do anything, but please, please help me.
I'm sick to death of hearing Ronan Keating on repeat in every bar I visit, and may do something drastic if I can't get access to some better tunes.
Remember, it only takes the good to stand by for evil to triumph.
No Paradise City? No UB40?
Ronan Keating? Jack Johnson? If you think you've reached an all time musical low, think again. Only ask of such a favour when you are reduced to secretly feeling exhilaration when hearing the theme tune from 'Happy Days' and bop away regardless. oh, those are dark days...
Salima. xxx
Be grateful for small mercies and imagine if it had been Gary Barlow and the Greatest Hits of Brother Beyond?
Still, I'm taking up the call and will heavily petition my MP and the United Nations Commission for Human Rights to see if something can be done to stop this torture.
Raj: nothing would please me more than to hear a burst of Red Red Wine but the country seems to be dry. Salima: I happen to love the theme tune to Happy Days, but I forgive you. It comes second only to The Golden Girls in my league of best ever theme tunes. Chris: you're right and thanks for the support. Jane: if you can just achieve getting Mum or Dad to send me one one word email saying 'hello' that will be something. 21 days and I'm still yet to receive anything from them! Beginning to take it personally. I'm going on phone home strike if they don't get their acts together and start emailing soon.
OK. I'm just about to leave the internet cafe and who comes on the cafe radio - Jack bloody Johnson. Unbelievable. This country.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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