Thursday, October 26, 2006

manna from heaven

I've just been to McDonalds. It was amazing, and I was in heaven. To eat a badly processed burger again after so many months of healthy rice, noodles, and vegetables was utter bliss. Specifically, I had a double cheeseburger with large french fries, a large coke, and a strawberry ice-cream for dessert. I would have had chicken mcnuggets as well, but they don't have the same barbecue sauce as we have at home, and eating mcnuggets without barbecue sauce is a bit like Ginger Rogers dancing without Fred Astaire, or Laurel clowning without Hardy. It just doesn't seem right. Chicken mcnuggets should only be savoured in optimum conditions.
I continue to have somewhat mixed feelings about Chiang Mai, but the jury is still ultimately out. The city itself doesn't have the character and individuality of some of the places I've been lucky enough to visit recently, but I have to remember that people don't come here for the city, they come here to journey into the surrounding mountains, and these may be very beautiful. I don't know, I haven't been yet.
Tomorrow I'm going hill trekking up in the mountains. I'll be out in the hills northwest of Chiang Mai for three days and two nights, and so won't be on-line again until early next week. Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

I think you'd make an excellent "Michael Palin". And even if you didn't, I think you ought to think about doing photography for a living, as the photos you are collecting in your album are stunning.

Charlie said...

Thanks very much. It's nice to receive some praise on the photos - I hope I'm improving a bit considering how often I'm taking them, and editing them down etc!