Friday, October 13, 2006

a recent true story

Vietnam. An Irish tourist is taking a day trip out to see the hill tribe villages of the Hmong People just outside Sapa. The Irish tourist is with a Vietnamese English-speaking tour guide and they have just met a Hmong woman along a footpath...
Tourist: (To the guide) Er sorry. Would this lady mind if I took a photograph of her? Her clothing is so beautiful, I'd love to get a picture of it.
* The guide asks the Hmong woman in Vietnamese if this is possible and receives a reply *
Guide: She says she would prefer not. Sorry.
* Tourist looks embarrassed *
Tourist: Oh right. I, I completely understand. How insensitive of me. I've heard about this: isn't it the case that the hill tribes live so traditionally that they have no understanding of modern photography, and, when they see you taking a photograph of them, they think you are capturing and taking away a piece of their soul, which they also believe can never be retrieved or given back?
Guide: No. She says her hair looks a mess.


Anonymous said...

Hi Charles,

This post just goes to show the vanity of the female condition world wide. Of course I would have simply grabbed the camera and pointed it in my direction, produced a megawatt smile and gave it my best.

I now have the monopoly on the phrase 'a bad year'. Details to follow unfortunately they cannot be posted here due to their sensitive nature. But take heart that you seem to have been stonking along while others have been flailing.

I hope you are coping with the heat. I know from the Antigua experience that the heat can be quite a drain.

The NYE 2006 was fantastic! Definate fond memories there. I am hoping to pop and see JD soon.

Bless you, take care.
Emma xxxx

Charlie said...

I'm acclimatised to the heat pretty well. It's not been much of a problem at all - and it has been hot.

Email me.