I've been back in Lowestoft with my family for a week now, and I've had a very relaxing time.
I haven't made any blog entries since being home, because I've had no access to a computer, and I've also been fairly busy. I'm writing this message from my sister's house.
The journey back from London last Saturday was simple enough, and it was no bother shifting my stuff out of the flat and into my Dad's car. As suspected, my worldly possessions did fit in the back with space to spare, and only took about ten minutes to load. Minimalism one, hoarding nil.
Since being back I've slowly but surely been putting the finishing touches to my now imminent jaunt abroad. I've phoned my bank, and got some spare passport photos taken. I've bought some suntan lotion, and caught up with my family. And I've even compiled a list of emergency numbers, and given my old mosquito net an airing.
On Monday and Wednesday, I went up to Norwich to buy a few extra clothes. It's so nice to have some clothes which actually fit me again. Since last August I've lost 3 and 1/4 stone through exercise and dieting. This has been good, but with the consequence that all my clothes have ended up hanging off me. I haven't bought any new gear because I've been saving hard to go away, but this week the time finally came for new shirts that fit and waistbands that grip. What a luxury it is not being genuinely concerned that my trousers might fall down at any moment.
The only thing left to sort out is a camera which remains a dilemma. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do but I do know I can't be bothered to sort it out today.
Preparations aside, I've spent most of the rest of my time with Victoria (my niece) and my Mum. We've been playing on bikes, playing tennis (in a very loose sense of the word), drawing, crying, laughing, and running round the house. Sometimes all of these things within the space of five minutes. It's been great fun, if exhausting at times. On Sunday, we're all going to Sheringham in Norfolk to ride the old steam railway.
This will be the last blog entry from the UK. The next time you hear from me I should have landed in Thailand. Alternatively, you'll get a message from whichever country I got on the wrong plane to. Will be in touch soon.